The Rise of Islam Religion

After the end of the Chola empire, around the year AD, the ancient age ends and the medieval era begins. But with the invasions of the Arabs in India, the concept of medieval period of 600 AD started. At this time, Arabs and Turks in India attacked, whose main purpose was to rob and not govern. These Muslim invaders robbed immense wealth from India. In today's time, you will be informed about the rise of Islam. For better understanding of the history of medieval India, it is very important to know who was this Muslim who invaded India and robbed this country called 'gold bird' Have been taken

The rise of Islam religion

Islam originated in the Arabian peninsula in the 7th century. Islam means - entering humility / purity / power and followers of Islam are called Muslims. The Muslim is made up of two words: Muslims / believers = Muslims whose It is meant to be firm in faith.

Prophet Muhammad Abdullah

Prophet Muhammad's originator was Prophet Muhammad Abdullah. The Prophet was born on June 8, 570, in the Arab area of ​​Mecca, which was a trading center for Jews and Christians .They belonged to the Quraish tribe and Banu Hashim dynasty .Mohammad Sahib His father's name was Abdullah, mother's name Amina, Chacha's name was abutalib, Dadasa's name was Almuttalib, wife's name Khadia Begum, daughter's name Fatima and son-in-law The name was Hazrat Ali. On the say of his uncle, Prophet Muhammad got a job here from Khadija, a widow and later married with this woman. Both of them have a daughter named Fatima and whose name Marriage is done from Ali.

While living in Mecca, he received information about the religion of Jews and Christians and considered an alternative religion. After this he started solitude in the cave of Hira Pahadi and became absorbed in spiritual contemplation. In 610 AD, in this cave, Mohammed had an angel experience that came with the message that he has chosen God as his messenger. The compilation of this cognition (the voice of the angel) is found in the Quran. After acquiring knowledge in 610 AD, he started preaching which is called the hadith. He opposed idol worship and religion related to religion. It is believed that the foundation of Islam religion has been kept from here. But due to his teachings and teachings, the people of Mecca and the people of Quraish became their enemies, and as a result, they had to take shelter from the Mecca and seek refuge in the Solar Mountain and in the year 622, they went to Medina where followers of Muhammad Sahib (Ansar ) used to live. This transfer from Mecca to Medina is called Hazrat, thus, he established Hijri (Hijr) Samvat in 623 AD. Between the followers of Pegmar Mohammed and the Quraish tribe, Battle of Badra in 623 AD in 627 A.D. There is a war in which the Quraish tribe is defeated and they have to accept the submission of the Prophet. In the year 630, Prophet Mohammed returns to Mecca, where he is returning to Islam. They are established as the first person and the Messenger (angel).

After coming here, Prophet Mohammad stopped worshiping idols set in Mecca and stopped old religious traditions. After that he started praying to the head towards Kaba (a place situated in Mecca), praying for Ummah (Faithful Muslim) and Jihad Fighting for protecting religion) started the tradition etc. It starts from Arab nationalism which was based on Islam religion. Though started In the inside it was a religious ideology as religion, but gradually it took the form of a religion. Only this religion expanded from North Africa to the Arabian Peninsula and from Iran to India. In the year 632 AD Prophet Muhammad died.

Basis and beliefs of Islam religion

Islam emphasizes the worship of one god - Allah, and His holy book is the Koran. Every Muslim should read Namaz five times a day to face the Mecca. Keeping the roast in the month of Ramadan, donating (zakat) and if possible If you do, travel to Mecca (Saudi Arabia) once in your life.


Khalifa, who was called the successor of Mohammad Sahib, was a political and religious office of Islam. Khalifa was appointed by the former Khalifa or by a committee. Sunni Muslim caliphs are called zodiac or al-khalif ur rashidun (according to the right direction). According to them, Khalifa was four-Abu Bakr, Umar bin al Khatab, Usman bin Affan, Ali bin Abi Talib. They used to live with four Prophet Mohammed. Sunni Muslims considered Hussein the fourth Khalifa. In contrast, Shia Muslim Hazrat Al He considers the first Khalifa. He said that Hazrat Ali was the son of Prophet Mohammad, he was the son-in-law of Mohammad Sahib and the real recipient of the Khalifa post was Hazrat Ali, the rule of the three earlier Caliphs was not valid. They believed that Pakistan's title like Khalifa was from the family of the Prophet Should not be given outside to any ordinary Muslim.

Abu Bakr (632 AD-634 AD)

After the death of Mohammad Sahib, the idolaters of Madinah and Ansars appointed the caliph in AD 632 AD to provide political and religious leadership to Muslims because Mohammed Sahib had not declared anyone his successor before his death. About this, some followers of the Prophet and some members of the Hashimi tribe of Prophet got separated from them, who believed that Mohmm Honor was appointed as his successor his son Ali Thus, a supporter of Ali, he was a Shiite and a supporter of Abu Bakr's Sunni Muslims called.

Umar bin al Khatab (634 AD-644E.)

Abu Bakr chose Omar al-Khattab as his successor. During their rule, some areas of Syria, Palestine, Egypt, and Benzitine region and Iraq were subject to this caliph. At that time, Arabs invaded Iran to spread Islam, which, in anger, some Iranians killed Omar in the 7th of November 644 AD after 10 years of taking power. Umar had killed one of the six people before his assassination. The faction was formed, the main ones were Ali and Usman. Osman was chosen by the consent of the next Khalifa.

Usman bin Affan (644 AD-656 AD)

After Omar's murder, senior colleagues of Islam made Usman a caliph. During the reign of Osman there was peace for 6 years, but during the last days of the reign, the civil war broke out and nearly 12 years later, on 17 July 656 The rebels killed Osman also in the year. As a result of this civil war, Ali was appointed as the fourth caliph to stop the collapse of this community.

Ali bin Abi Talib (656 AD-661 AD)

The Shia followers believed that the rule of the first three caliphs was unfair and Ali should have been the Khalifa since the beginning, because Ali was the relative of Mohammad Sahib, his son-in-law who was married to Fatima, the daughter of Mohammed. Umayyad Khalifa Dynasty) accepted the submission of Ali. Ma'awiya was a relative of Usman and his sister was married to Prophet Mohammed. Uwaia was accused that Ali is not trying to capture the slain villains of Osmanabad. About that dispute, there is an inconclusive battle of Siphin on the banks of river Furat between Muawiya and Ali's forces, but to avoid further bloodshed Ali gets ready to talk to Muawiya.

Friends should tell you about your information that Ali's army had a group of 4000 radical people called 'Khariji'. These people believed that the defeat and victory of the people in God's hands, They should have kept alleging that Ali has gone astray from his path and for this reason he is separated from Ali. About two years later, there is a war between the Kharizis and Ali in the battle of Nehru, in which Ali Vij Are the One time Ali 'Kufa mosque prayer "were read during this period Ibn a dismissal called Muljm gives assassinated by poison sword.


After Ali's death, his son Hassan was made Khalifa because Ali's direction was that after his death, one of his sons Hassan and Hussein should be made Khalifa. Because Prophet Mohammed was both the grandfather, and Ali's death Later, according to the tradition of Shi'a, a member of the household of the Prophet was made Khalifa. As soon as Hassan's Khalifa was established, Muawiya began to instigate Hassan's forces against him. This led to a warlike situation between Hassan and Muawiya. To avoid the war and to prevent the Muslim community from collapsing, Hassan compromised the Muawiya, she will give up the Khalifa post and Muawiya will accept Khalifa provided the death of Muawiyah The post of Khalifa should be returned to him or her successor. It is said that Hassan's wife had poisoned him so that he died. Added.


The Khalifa was made but it was his wish that after him his son Yajid Khalifa. Muawiya was related to Osman and sister of Prophet Mohammed. But Muawiya feared that if he declared Yazid a successor, he would have to face Hassan's rebellion. Therefore, while working with diplomacy, Hassan's wife incited him against Hassan and gave him poison, which led to his death. Muawiya died in 680 AD


After Muawiya's death, her son, Yazid Khalifa, became the son of Allah. Hussein, the second son of Ali, opposed the creation of his caliph. There is a battle of Karbala between Hussein and Yazid's forces on October 10, 680, in the post of Khilifa, killing Hussein's neck After that, the 6-month old son of Hussein is also murdered and the women of Hussein's family are insulted. Siachen Muslims make every year Muharram day I believe the weeds of this event.

Umayyad Khilafat Khalifa Dynasty (661 AD-750 AD)

As you know, we told you about Muawiya that the third Khalifa was the nephew of Usman bin Affan and he was the Governor of Syria from the reign of Khalifa Umar bin al Khatab to the reign of Khalifa Ali bin Abi Talib. After the death, on 28 July 661 CE, the Umayyad caliph dynasty was established in Damascus, the capital of Syria. During his reign, They got more and they reached Spain through North Africa. In this period, Muslims occupied Sindh along with Central Asia in 712 AD, and thus this line of continuous Umayyad Caliphs remained in power till 750 AD. In a change movement in 750 AD, Abbasi Khalifas defeated the Umayyad caliphs and took power in their possession. A total of 14 Khalifas of the Ummayad dynasty ruled till 25 January 750. Ummayd B The last Khalifa of the Kalfat dynasty was the second Ibn Muhammad.

It is said that from this civil war, Abd Umar Rehman (first) and a Greek slave of Ummaid Khilafat dynasty escaped escaping to Spain while going to Africa where he founded the Kharif of Carboda which till 1031 AD.

Religious book quran

The Quran is the holiest book of Islam and is the latest book of Islam. It is believed that the Qur'an was narrated to the death of Hazrat Mohammad from 610 AD to 632 AD by the angel Gabriel of God (Allah). It is said that the angel Gabriel Whenever Allah decreed, they used to come with the revelation of the Qur'an to the Prophet. Thus, for some 22 years, the angels came to Prophet Gabriel for a few moments on different occasions. When the Gabriel came to the Prophet from time to time, reminding him of the rectangles, then the angels who always learn the Prophet Muhammad throughout the year hear him repeatedly so that he may be well remembered. However, the Qur'an first appeared in an oral form It was written for the first time in 633 AD after the death of Hazrat Mohammad, and copies of the Qur'an in human form were distributed in 653 CE to the Muslim kingdoms. Muslims believe that the last message of holy messages sent by God is in the Qur'an. According to the beliefs, these messages begin with Adam. The Prophet Nabi (Prophet) is said to be compared to Manu of Hindu religion. In the same way in the Hindu religion, the children of Manu are called humans, in the same way, in Muslim religion, the children of Adam are called as men.

Shia and Sunni conflict

Friends, Muslim communities are divided into two parts: Shia and Sunni. This fight of the fighters of Sia and Sunni Muslims is the oldest and most fatal that had started from the time of the death of Prophet Hazrat Mohammad and it continues to this day. It is not that neither of them is a follower of Mohammed Sahib, both of them are followers of Mohammad Sahib. If there is a problem then just think of ideology, one thought.This fight begins. After Mmd Honor death Khalifa took office. At that time there were four such persons who were the claimants of the Khalifa post. Abu Bakr, Omar, Osman and Mohammad Sahib's son-in-law, Hazrat Ali, all lived with Mohammed Saheb. After the death of Mohammad Sahib Abu Bakr is appointed as the successor (Khalifa) of Mohammad Sahib. Just the same thing Some people from this community became angry because they wanted that a person of Mohammad Sahib's family was sitting on this holy throne of Khalifa who was Hazrat Ali. It was said that holy post like Khalifa was not for any common man, Hazrat Mohammad was held by Goddess Khuda, so the successor is also a member of Goddess's family. If Mohammad Sahib had announced his successor before his death Perhaps this dispute does not go forward. If Mohammed Saab was hesitant about this dispute, he would surely have announced the successor. Thus, in the favor of Abu Bakr Salman was called Sunni and he who was in favor of Ali making Khalifa was called Shi'ah. Though later he had appointed Khalifa as the fourth caliph. But he considers Shia Ali as his first Khalifa. It is believed that Shi'a Muslims were some conservative. There was bitterness in the two sides about the title of Khalifa, one after the other, the caliphs were killed, when the Khalifa of Sunni was killed. Also Shi'a. In addition, Shia was accused that Sunni had killed Hussein Ali's son Hussein and his family with great brutality. In the memory of this incident Shia Muslims celebrate Muharram. This is the bitterness between the two parties which Since then, it has continued to persist even today, which has remained the cause of unrest not only for the Muslim community but for the whole world.

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