History of Shaka Dynasty

There is a difference between both Shaka and Shakya.In Buddhist texts Shakya are predominantly, Kshatriyas of Gautam caste.Shakya had an ancient kingdom at the foot of the Himalayas, whose capital was Kapilavastu, which is now in Nepal.Shakya was a district of ancient India in the 1st century BC.But we are talking here about 'Shakas', not about 'Shakyas'.

According to the Purans It is said that , the origins of the Shakas have been made by Suryavanshi king Narishyant.Raja Sagar had ousted Narishyant from the country.Because of not following the rules of Varanashram and separated from the Brahmins they were said Malechchh.Their descendants were called as Shaka.There had been also mentioned in Mahabharat about 'Shaka'.Statues and coins related to the Shaka kingdom are kept in Mathura's govt.musium.Gargi Samhita, Banbhatta created Harshacharit also provides the mention of Shakas.


According to Jains, Acharya Kalk invited 'Shakas' in India. These Jain Acharya were residents of Ujjain and being Upset with the atrocities of Gardbhill,Acharya moved away to the Parthian state of the west.
Kalakacharya inspired the Shaks to attack India.The people of Shaka along with Kalkacharya entered from Sindh and After this, he also attacked Ujjaini by conquering Saurashtra and defeated King Gardbhill.

Who were Shakas,There could be dispute on it.They were driven out from Central Asia, then they attacked Sindh and took possession of it.From Sindh they spread to other parts of the country. From Sindh to Punjab, Saurashtra, Mathura, Nasik and Ujjain, they had expanded their rule.Whatever the case, the Shaka has a profound effect on India's history.Shakas were probably resident of northern China and Xinjiang region of central Europe.

'Yuishi' people lived in the north-west of Tibet on the edge of the desert area of ​​Taklamakan. When the Chinese huns attacked Yuishi, they had to leave their place.When they(Huns)  attacked 'Shakas' and grabbed their place, then 'Shakas' had to leave their place.Dus,Huns pushed Yuishi and Yuishi pushed Shakas.After getting victory over Bactria by Shakas they entered India from the way of Hindu Kush.The Yavana empire of Bactria was destroyed by invasion by Shakas.

The governance of Shaka in India

After the weakness of the Shung dynasty Shaka Started to dominate the states of India.The whole of India had never been governed by 'Shaka'.The states of India which were controlled by Shaka in starting,these were small states of Yavana.They made Minanagar their capital which was located on the bank of Indus River.This was the first 'Shaka State' of India.After this, he also attacked Avantika by winning Saurashtra of Gujarat region.At that time, they had taken a large part of land of Maharashtra from Satavahana kings.There was also the governance of Pandiyans in South India at that time.

The 'Shakas' kings ruled for a long time in some places of Gandhara, Sindh, Maharashtra, Mathura and Avantika etc regions.Ujjayini's first independent Shaka ruler was Cheshtan.He has used 'Shaka Samvat' in his records.Accordingly, the kingdom of this lineage lasted from 130 AD to 388 AD.When possibly Chandragupta Vikramaditya ended this dynasty.Among the Satraps of Ujjain,Rudradama(130 AD to 150 AD) was most famous.

It is believed that when history was written after independence, Hindu wins and symbols were deliberately pushed to the margins and glorified the people who attacked India and almost completely ruined the culture and civilization here.There is a chapter in the history of Indian heroism that was never exposed as it was associated with Hindu Ego and Pride.Even one such chapter is called 'The Great Vikramaditya'.When Vikramaditya had defeated the Shaka and pushed him out of the country, he was honored with the title of Shakari after this victory.

In the memory of this victory, great Vikramaditya had started a 'Samvat' which we call today Vikram Samvat.Actually, the story is something that 100 years ago, the invasions of Shakas had started in India.After winning Greek state Bactria, Shakas attacked India. Shakas spread like a storm in all over India and they almost captured the whole country of India. From Sindh they went south to Andhra.

The majority of India divided into Mahajanapadas had been subjected to Rajputs. In Sindh, Punjab, Kashmir, Afghanistan, Rajasthan and Gujarat, their power was strengthened. At the same time, some parts of north and central India also became subject to them. In such a situation, a powerful king was born on the table of history, Malavapati Gandharvasena's son Vikramaditya.

Vikramaditya, the ruler of the powerful Gan Malvagan of that difficult period of India, organized the Yuddhey Gan and the rest of the people and prepared a large army.Under the leadership of the highly accomplished fighter Vikramaditya, this organized Indian army had a fierce battle against the Shakas, and after winning one war, the army of Vikram went forward and they overthrew the Shakas everywhere.

In this war, Shaka king Nahvan was also killed.Shakas were ousted from power, but some of their groups had mixed into Indian religion and culture.Vikramaditya started Vikram Samvat to remember this incredible victory of Indians 57 BC.After 135 years of Vikramaditya, King Shalivahan (Gautamiputra Satkarni) also trampled Rajputs and started a new compilation called 'Shalivahan Shaka'.

The Shakas had been ousted from power but they were not weak. Kushanas attacked India in the same period. As soon as the Kushanas came, Shakas of India itself took refuge in them.A king named Kanishka was known in the Kushanas.By adopting Buddhism, he had established his kingdom from Afghanistan to Mathura. The boundaries of his kingdom were huge. His kingdom was far beyond across the Hindukush.

After the death of Kanishka, the Kushan empire began to weaken, then the Shakas of India accepted the subjection and they started living independently.Once again Shaka had taken control over some parts of Gujarat, Saurashtra and Malwa,but the Kushanas had maintained their right on Gandhara, Sindh etc.Thus, the empire of Shakas continued from 123 BC to 200 AD and after that Chandragupta also did the same thing again which was done by the great emperor Vikramaditya.

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