The arrival of Portuguese companies in India

Hello friends, they start this series of modern India's history; However, since the arrival of the Portuguese in India, some historians believe that the beginnings of modern India are from the beginning of the Mughal era when the Mughals fall and from the establishment of British rule in India to India in 1947. Till the freedom of

European companies coming to India

Friends, the geographical discoveries that took place in the late 15th century had a positive impact on the trade relations between India and Europe. Prince Henry the Navigator of Portugal promoted maritime yatras and geographical discoveries. In 1487 AD, Portuguese navigator 'Bartholomio Diaz' 'Discovered Uttamshasha Antarip, which is located in the southern end of Africa, also known as Cape of Good Hope (the current CapeTown) Is there. At that time, India was influenced by the invasions of Turks and they were taking immense wealth of India and taking them to their own countries. Encouraged by the cultural heritage, economic prosperity, philosophy and art of India, European merchants find the marvelous way of coming to India. Colembus was expert in finding maritime paths. He was a citizen of Italy who came out to search for India with the help of Spain, but the Ras Defense makes looking to wander the US because of the mistake instead of India .Thus in 1492 by Columbus had discovered America first arrives in Portugal ASAs come Dutch, English, Dennis and French thereafter. A person named Vaskodigama reaches Calicut (Kochikot, Kerala) port of India on May 17, 1498, via 'Cape of Good Hope'.


Portugal is a small European country located near Spain whose capital is Lisbon. At that time the business of Italy, Egypt, and Turkey was spread throughout Europe, so for those small European countries, it was not possible to trade there, therefore, Waskodigama was the first Portuguese and European traveler to come to India, which reaches the maritime route 'Cape of Good Hope' from Portugal. Yes, he meets a Gujarati businessman, Abdul Manik, with the help of which he reaches the port of Calicut. On reaching Calicut, the ruler of Zamorin (name possibly Mutha) welcomed Vaskodigama. The ruler of Calicut, Zamorin, gave the Portuguese the opportunity to do business in India. But the businessmen of Arabia who had already established business centers there Zomorin was the title of the Hindu rulers of Calicut .Wascodigama fished the black pepper on his ship while returning from India, giving him 60 times more profit in the European market. This allowed other Portuguese businessmen to come to India. Got encouragement.

In 1500 AD, after the Vascoidagaama, the second Portuguese merchant, 'Petro Albrage Cabral' came to India, which had discovered the country of Brazil. Vascoidagama came to India for the second time in 1502. Here, he established a factory in Kannanur. In 1503 AD, the Portuguese The first business hall was established in Cochin and a fort was built for its security arrangements because most of the Arab traders Security threat was named Kpurtgalion company was "Estado -The India.

Francesco-D-Almeida became the first Viceroy of the Indian regions, which remained from 1505 AD to 1509 AD. Almeida pursued Blue Water policy with India to maintain monopoly on trade and control the seaboard. Under this policy, Almeida settled settlements only on the coastal states and did not control the internal parts. The Portuguese gradually gained control over the coastal areas, while in Gujarat Were growing. Turkey and Egypt were trading centers in Gujrat. This policy of Almeida was not liked by Mahmoud Begara, Turkish and Egyptian businessmen of Gujarat. About this, the combined forces of all three and Almeda between 1508 AD The battle of Chaum is in which Almeida is victorious and it takes control over Divya even though Almeida's son is killed in this fight.

The Portuguese appointed Alphonse de Albuquerque as the Viceroy of India in 1509 AD. Alfonso de Albuquerque came to India as a squadron in 1503 AD. Albuquerque is said to be the real founder of the Portuguese Empire in India. Its purpose is to trade in Portugal Had to establish a monopoly In 1510, Albuquerque seized Goa from Yijoff Adilshah, ruler of Bijapur, and took possession of it. Albuquerque recruited Indians in their army and banished the Muslims from there. He banned sati practice in Goa. In 1511 AD, Albuquerque took control of Malacca and Hermes, which were trade malls of Southeast Asia. Albuquerque dies in 1515 AD, but by the time of his death, he establishes the Portuguese as the most powerful sea power in India.

In 1529 AD, Ninnu-de-Cunha came in the form of the Viceroy of the Portuguese, which made Goa its capital instead of Cochin in 1530 ADD.D. Cunha made the Portuguese settlements in San Toma (Madras), Hooghly (Bengal) and Diu The Portuguese also took over Setset, Chowl, Bombay and Basin (Basin). Use Portuguese porters Nagapattanam port to trade from Southeast countries. They were. In 1534 AD, the ruler of Bengal, Mahmud Shah, allowed permission to open a trading factory in Chittagong and Satgon. The Mughals also allowed the Portuguese to establish a factory in Hooghly. Because by that time the Mughals also enter India, The objective is to rule India while the purpose of the Portuguese is to do business.

Two main objectives of the Portuguese were to remove the first Arab and Venetian merchants from the Indian Ocean and promote the second Christian religion. The purpose of the trading companies of the Portuguese was to establish a monopoly on expensive items such as black pepper and issues.The portals of the Indian Ocean The company had established its possession on the business from which it was acquired. Security had been forbidden to enter without permission billion Indian business Arabic ships Sea Mughal rulers to Here also had to Cartj or permit from the Portuguese.

At the time of Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan, in 1632 AD, Cassim Khan (Governor of Bengal) snatched Hooghly from Portuguese authority. The Chittagong port knew the Portuguese as 'Porto Grando'. By the time of Aurangzeb, all the pirates had been wiped out of Chittagong.

In 1542 AD, Portuguese Governor Alfredo D'Souza came to India, who also brought along with him the famous Saint Jesuit Francisco Xavier. In 1556, the Portuguese established the first printing press in Goa, and in 1563 AD on Indian herbs and vegetation. Printed in Goa. Along with this, tobacco and potato cultivation started in India. The art of making ships in India is also the gift of the Portuguese. Português He started the Gothic architectural style in India.

The Portuguese emerged as a major force by establishing control over Colombo, Jakarta, Malacca, Persian Gulf (Hormuz) at that time, though by then the British and Dutch had arrived in India. Those who had snatched all the main centers from the Portuguese And reduced the domination of the Portuguese, but remained the Portuguese authority on Goa. Portugal merged in Spain in 1580 and its independent existence ended, but the merger remained until 1640 AD. In 1630 AD, there is a treaty between the British and the Portuguese, which is called 'the Treaty of Madrid', according to which both the eastern regions will not interfere in each other's business. On January 23, 1661, King Charles II of England married Princess Catherine of the Portuguese State of Bengal, and the Portuguese gave Bombay the British as a dowry. However, the British did not try to take everything possible to grab them from the Portuguese. Happened. In 1739, the Marathas defeated the Portuguese in Salsette and Basin and defeated the Portuguese.

Goa was the main center of the trade of the Portuguese. After the advent of English and Dutch, the trade of the Portuguese was limited. By the time of India's independence in 1947, Goa, Daman and Diu remained as colonies of the Portuguese which was liberated by the Indian Government in 1961.
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